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Exclusive Colors

Exclusive Colors is, along with the symbol mark, an important component of Yeonsung University’s Identity. Also, it is used in diverse visual materials and serves the function of delivering Yeonsung University’s image. Use spot color printing as the primary principle when expressing any exclusive colors. Also use the Pantone Colors, displayed below, as the standards. For an effective usage of the exclusive colors, pay detailed attention to the exclusive colors.
When reenacting the four primary colors of the “Process Color,” use the standards written below. If there are any questions during the manufacturing process, cooperate with the UI department of management to manufacture an appropriate usage of the exclusive colors.

    Spot : Pantone 219CProcess : C0 / M88 / Y0 / K0RGB : R239 / G35 / B142
    Spot : Pantone 298CProcess : C0 / M7 / Y0 / K0RGB : R80 / G176 / B209
    Spot : Pantone 382CProcess : C29 / M0 / Y100 / K0RGB : R181 / G220 / B16
    Spot : Pantone 432CProcess : C23 / M0 / Y0 / K77RGB : R45 / G52 / B55

Color Application

The symbol mark must be accurately displayed in all types of backgrounds. To prevent any disruptions in the shape of the image when the colors are misused, the following are colors that are appropriate for usage as the background color. If there are any questions during the manufacturing process, cooperate with the UI department of management to manufacture an appropriate usage of the color application.

Grayscale Application
  • Grayscale - Positive Version

    Black 80%, Black 50%, Black 45%, Black 30%
  • Grayscale - Negative Version (use only in 100% Black backgrounds)

    Black 65%, Black 45%, Black 40%, Black 25%
Black One Color Application
  • Grayscale - Positive Version

    Black 100%
  • Grayscale - Negative Version (use only in 100% Black backgrounds)

    White word
Special Color Application
  • Grayscale - Positive Version

    Gold, Pantone 873C, Silver, Pantone 877C, Black, White
  • Grayscale - Negative Version (use only in 100% Black backgrounds)

    Gray word