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Education mission


Mission of University
To nurture holistic individuals with intelligence, creativity and communication skills that can contribute to the local society and nation
Mission of the department
To nurture holistic individuals with professional knowledge in the field of military science


Education Objectives of the University
Moral Education To cultivate refined morals, an extensive range of ethics and practical knowledge
Associated Education To cultivate professional knowledge, comprehensive state of mind and open cooperative skills
Communication Education To cultivate the skill to communicate and empathize with one’s neighbors, society and the world
Education Objectives of the Department
The main educational objective is to nurture military and non-commissioned military officials that protects the lives and properties of the people; has the correct virtues and morals; has an open, converged statement of mind and has communication skills. The department of military science will nurture non-commissioned military officials that have outstanding fighting techniques, emergency rescue abilities, the strongest mindset, ability to overcome all extreme situations and other important administrative/task abilities required for a military official.


Vision of the University
Become an elite world standard vocational college
Become a TOP 5 domestic vocational college by 2020
Vision of the Department
Become a first rate, international-standard career soldier cultivator
Become a TOP 5 domestic non-commissioned military official cultivating university by 2020

The main educational objective is to nurture military and non-commissioned military officials that protects the lives and properties of the people; has the correct virtues and morals; has an open, converged statement of mind and has communication skills. The department of military science will nurture non-commissioned military officials that have outstanding fighting techniques, emergency rescue abilities, the strongest mindset, ability to overcome all extreme situations and other important administrative/task abilities required for a military official.

Career after graduation

  • 1)Appointed as non-commissioned military official (ROK Army: combat/administration)
  • 2)Enter Korea Army Academy at Yeong-cheon : Appointed as officer
  • 3)Civilian worker in the military and/or in the defense industry company
  • 4)Enter special university after being appointed as a non-commissioned military official. Able to achieve master’s degree
  • 5)Able to apply for an officer role while working as a non-commissioned military official (warrant officer, short-term military officer)

Certifications available to be acquired

  • Related to IT
    • Word Processor
    • Computer Application Skills
    • Information Processing Function
    • MOS
    • PCT
  • Others
    • Taekwondo Expert
    • Expert in diverse martial arts
    • Korean history exam
    • Chinese letter exam

Type of students trained

  • Type of students trained

    Non-commissioned military official

  • Target Occupation

    Defense administration

  • Field of Employment

    General occupations that are related to the military, such as non-commissioned military official, civilian worker in the military, civilian worker in the defense industry company and being appointed as a military officer after entering the Korea Army Academy at Yang-Cheon