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Our university is giving our best effort to achieve our vision of becoming a world standard vocational college by nurturing holistic individuals with intelligence, creativity and communication skills through ethical education, collective education and communication education


“To nurture holistic individuals with intelligence, creativity and communication skill to contribute in the domestic society”

Mission of Yeonsung University

IntelligenceA moral character that combines the background of an individual’s sincere human nature (character) with intelligence and refinement.

CreativityA forward-thinking moral character that uses professional knowledge and a comprehensive perspective to pursue challenges and change

CommunicationA moral character that combines emotional empathy, the virtues of sharing and service and a practical cooperative mindset.

Holistic individualsA moral character that combines the background of an individual’s sincere human nature (character) with intelligence and refinement.It also has the definition of our efforts to realize the essence of our university, which is to reflect today’s changing environment and produce future-orientated talents.


“Become an elite world standard vocational college”

Become a TOP 5 domestic vocational college by 2020

Nurturing Talents

3C Type Individual


    An intelligent individual that has an extensive range of morals and a sincere heart


    A creative individual that possesses both professional knowledge and an open mindset


    A communicator that can both share and cooperate

  • Establish new virtue creation abilities through an extensive range of morals, practical knowledge, professional knowledge and a comprehensive mindset
  • Aim to become an individual that respects all cultures and perspectives and can effectively communicate and cooperate with others
  • An individual that is intelligent, creative and a communicator is an exemplification of this era's version of our school's main morals- “sincerity, creativity and diligence.”

Education Mission

Education Mission : [Moral Education] Cultivate moral characters, extensive range of ethics and practical knowledge, [Converged Education] Cultivate professional knowledge, comprehensive state of mind and open-minded cooperative ability, [Communication Education] Cultivate the ability to empathize and communicate with our neighbors, local community and the world.Education Mission : [Moral Education] Cultivate moral characters, extensive range of ethics and practical knowledge, [Converged Education] Cultivate professional knowledge, comprehensive state of mind and open-minded cooperative ability, [Communication Education] Cultivate the ability to empathize and communicate with our neighbors, local community and the world.
  • We aim to create individuals that have the characteristics of intelligence, creativity and communication skills that are demanded in today's age through moral education that emphasizes the ethics of a sincere person; converged education that emphasizes creativity and converged application abilities; and communication education that emphasizes emotional empathy and practical cooperation.
  • To accurately measure the materialization of our vision, we have set our goal to be in the top 5 national vocational college ranking in the “Educational Capacity Improvement Project Performance Indicators” and other major indexes that measure the competitiveness of a university.