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Chairman of the Board, School juridical, Yeonsung Institute GWON JAEHYUK
CHIARMAN'S MESSAGEA university that dreams of tomorrow through changes and creation
A university that dreams of tomorrow through continuous change and creation, Yeonsung University nurtures holistic individuals with intelligence, creativity and communication skills to grow as a first class, international standard vocational college.

After being established in 1977 under the establishment principle of nurturing creative talents that can contribute in the development of the local community and nation, Yeonsung University have produced about 70000 jewel-like people who have each showcased amazing talents and skills in all facets of society. As shining professionals, we are extremely proud of the fact that we have contributed in the development of both the local community and the country.

We aim to continuously realize our school juridical establisher's educational philosophy that for the development of the local community and the nations, practical education that cultivates holistic individuals with intelligence, creativity and communication skills must be the center of university education. To realize this, we are doing our best to make sure that our students are receiving high quality education by employing outstanding professors, high-tech eco-friendly campus and a modern education facility.

Yeonsung University is never satisfied with the present. Instead, through continuous change and challenges, we are pushing forward to evolve as an elite international standard vocational college. To do this, we want to make students, who have infinite possibilities just like a rough gemstone, into a shiny jewel with a lot of professionalism in their major. This will be done by Yeonsung's unique and specialized “Gemstone education system.” Yeonsung University will continue to grow as a university that prepares for the future through continuous investments in moral education, associated education and communication education.

We hope you continue to have interest in us as we push ahead to become the ‘Yeonsung’ of the world through continuous change and creation.

Chairman of the Board, School juridical, Yeonsung Institute GWON JAEHYUK