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Our university has changed our name and used this as an opportunity to announce our long-term development plan, ADVANCE 2020. In the process, we have suggested strategic structures and detailed implementation tasks that will help us fulfill our vision of becoming a world class vocational college.



“Becoming an elite, world-class vocational college”

Becoming a top 5 vocational college domestically by 2022

Long term development project “ADVANCE 2022”


  • A

    Construct a creative, comprehensive education system

  • D

    Construct a customized career management system

  • V

    Strengthen the academic-industrial cooperation to create new values

  • A

    Strengthen communication through active leadership

  • N

    Strengthen internationalization structure

  • C

    Strengthen social responsibility

  • E

    Construct a smart campus

7 Strategies

& creative education

DDeveloping personalized
career plans

VValue-creating cooperation
With Indestries

AActive leadershiop
& communication

NNetworking world wide

CContribution to society

EEvolving smart campus

20 Types of Strategic Goals
Innovation with creative/integrated education structure
  • Strengthen real site element on the job training
  • Strengthen education structure on basic/professional occupation knowledge
  • Strengthen faculty capability
  • Strengthen flexibility and structure of the school system
  • Expand diversity of educational support
Strengthen customized career management structure
  • Strengthen employment/start up competitiveness
  • Strengthen student customized teaching and career development
Strengthen value-creation university-industry cooperation
  • Strengthen and internalize competitiveness of university-industrycooperation
  • Strengthen education in university-industry cooperation
Strengthen initiating leadership
  • Establish a responsibility-business structure
  • Establish a university system centered around the demander
  • Improve value of university brand
Establish a global education structure
  • Strengthen internationalinterchange
  • Strengthen global capacity
Strengthen social responsibility
  • Do volunteer service for the local community
  • Lead in education/cultural aspects in the local community
Establish a Smart Campus
  • Optimize the library/information infrastructure
  • Improve campus environment

3- Step Roadmap for ADVANCE 2022

1Formative Period2012 ~ 2015
Change school grounds.
Establish university development goals.
Compose development infrastructure within university.
Create a new university culture.
2Takeoff Period2016 ~ 2017
Push ahead with university development.
Re-position university culture.
3Finishing Period2018 ~ 2022
Complete university development project.
Find the next development projects and direction.