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To easily access Yeonsung University and to easily find what you are looking for, this campus map will guide all parts of our campus.
1st Engineering Building
  • Current status of facilities : Department of Electronics, Department of Information & Communication, Department of Electrical Engineering, Department of Computer Software
2nd Engineering Building
  • Current status of facilities: Classrooms for Department of Engineering, indoor gym
Institute of Lifelong Education
  • Current status of facilities: Department of Health Care Administration, Institute of Lifelong Education, Foreign Cooperation Team, Korean Language Institute
Food & Science Building
  • Current status of facilities: Department of Food & Nutrition, Department of Culinary Arts & Hotel Food Service (Major in Culinary Arts, Major in Hotel Dining Room Management), Student Council, Board of Representatives, University Newspaper, gyo-ji Editorial Department, Club Room
University Headquarters
  • Current status of facilities: currently in construction (currently doing tasks in the 2nd~5th floor of the Yeongok Culture Center)
Creativity Building
  • Current status of facilities: Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Department of Architecture, Department of Business (Major in Distribution Management, Major in Marketing Management), Department of Tax Accounting, Department of Tourism (Major in Hotel Tourism), Department of Airline Service, Broadcasting station
Academic Information Building
  • Current status of facilities: library, electronic calculation area, internet plaza
1st Design Building
  • Current status of facilities: Department of Beauty Stylist (Major in Hair Design, Major in Makeup, Major in Skin Care), Department of Fashion Business
2nd Design Building
  • Current status of facilities: Department of Visual Design (Major in Visual Information Design, Major in Industrial Graphic, Major in Digital Media), Department of Military Science, Department of Sports Care, Design Laboratory
University-Industrial Cooperation Building
  • Current status of facilities: Business incubator, Start-up Education Support Center
Student Welfare Center
  • Current status of facilities: Academic Affairs Office, Student Employment Office, NCS Education Support Center, Teaching Support Center, Special Process Support Center, Student Consultation Center, Disabled Student Support Center, In-site Practice Support Center, Mock Interview room, Social Volunteer Group, University health room, i-Lounge, restaurant, book store, fitness center, lemon tree, convenience facilities
International Studies Building
  • Current status of facilities: foreign student dormitory, weight room, squash court
Yeongok Culture Center
  • Size: B1 ~ 5
  • Date of construction: 1979
  • Current status of facilities: Chairman’s Office, President’s Office, Vice-President’s Office, Planning Room, University-Industrial Cooperation Room, University-Industrial Cooperation Team, Admission Marketing Team, Administrative Support Team, Corporate office, College Dormitory, Convention Hall, English Cafe, Yeongok Gallery, Department of Early Childhood Education, Department of Special Rehabilitation Young Children, Department of Social Welfare (Major in Social Welfare, Major in Child care and welfare), Department of Tourism (Major in English & Tourism, Major in Chinese & Tourism)
Affiliated Kindergarten
Sports Field
Front Gate