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Introduction of the department

In a world which is quickly being globalized, airline service is a very important field in today’s environment. As more and more people are realizing this fact, not only is the influence of the airline service becoming stronger, but there is also an increasing demand for outstanding labor forces. Thus, our department will nurture the very best female workers with the correct character, international sense, civilized manners, service mind and outstanding foreign language skills.

Education mission


Mission of University
To nurture holistic individuals with intelligence, creativity and communication skills that can contribute to the local society and nation
Mission of the department
To nurture global leaders in the airline service industry that possesses character, manners and communication skills


Education Objectives of the University
Moral Education To cultivate refined morals, an extensive range of ethics and practical knowledge
Associated Education To cultivate professional knowledge, comprehensive state of mind and open cooperative skills
Communication Education To cultivate the skill to communicate and empathize with one’s neighbors, society and the world
Education Objectives of the Department
The department of Airline Service aims to nurture creative, global and professional individuals that can work in the international stage. To do this, our students will possess the correct character, morals and sophisticated international manners that will allow them to communicate and merge with everyone in the world.


Vision of the University
Become an elite world standard vocational college
Become a TOP 5 domestic vocational college by 2020
Vision of the Department
Become a TOP 3 domestic department related to airline service

The department of Airline Service aims to nurture creative, global and professional individuals that can work in the international stage. To do this, our students will possess the correct character, morals and sophisticated international manners that will allow them to communicate and merge with everyone in the world.

Career after graduation

The department of airline services, in an era of globalization, aims to nurture female individuals an international sense, sophisticated manner, service mind, correct character and outstanding foreign language skills. By producing flight attendants and ground personnel for domestic/foreign airlines, we plan to eventually become an international leader in the related service market.

  • Main advanced fields
    - Domestic/foreign airline services (flight attendant, ground personnel)
    - Domestic/foreign hotel
    - Domestic/foreign convention centers
    - Domestic/foreign casino and/or duty free shop
    - Secretary room for companies
    - Service education/image consulting corporations

Certifications available to be acquired

  • Field of Tourism
    • Certificate of airline attendant research course for famous foreign universities
    • Domestic/foreign travel guide
    • Travel interpretation guide
    • Domestic travel guide
    • Airline reservation issuance
    • TOPAS
  • Field of Office work
    • Secretary certification
    • Trading English
    • Word process
    • Computer Application Skills
    • Internet information search skills
  • Field of food
    • Wine sommelier
    • Barista certification
  • Field of volunteer
    • CPR certification
    • Proprietor
  • Field of foreign language
    • TOEIC
    • TOEFL
    • JPT
    • HSK

Type of students trained

  • Type of students trained

    Airline Service workers

  • Target Occupation

    Airline Service

  • Field of Employment

    All occupations that require experienced service manner such as airlines, convention centers, corporate secretary rooms, casinos and others.