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Character Introduction

Yeonsung University's logo type is a detailed visual material that shapes our university's image. It is an important “Basic Element” along with our symbol mark. To prevent any disruptions in the logo type when in usage, use the logo type while expanding/minimizing at direct proportion. However, if it is unable to be printed through the computer or it is at a large size, the logo type must be accurately manufactured using the provided logo type grid.

  • Skyblue Character
    CriHaving enormous imagination and a large sense of curiosity, Cri always thinks differently than other people.
  • Green Character
    CoopyWith an active personality and warm heart, Coopy always tries to help, share and cooperate with others.
  • Pink Character
    CultyAn avid reader of books, Culty has a heart of gold and is loved by everyone.

Symbol Mark

연두색 캐릭터, 하늘색 캐릭터, 분홍색 캐릭터

The characters are a friendly visual component that encompasses the creative and unconstrained characteristics of Yeonsung University, as the characters can change their bodies at will to express themselves. Each character has a personality that is a great symbol for 3C-type individuals. The name was also developed and applied using the first letter of a 3C-type individual (Creative, Cooperative, Cultivated). These characters must be used following the fixed standards for each category, and they cannot be changed at will. The minimum size of the characters is 12mm.


Application Type

The application behavior for each character of Yeonsung University is used for the diverse visual applications of the basic characters. Any changes or editing to the characters outside the fixed standards must be done after consultation with the UI department of management

  • Takeoff/move forward Character
  • Great Character
  • Welcome Character
  • Alarm Character
  • Announcement Character
  • Silence Character
  • Computer/Internet Character
  • Information Desk Character
  • Banned/Stop Character
  • Exercise Character
  • Cheering1 Character
  • Cheering2 Character
  • Banner Character
  • Flag Character

Character Color

The character color is one of the most important components that make up the characters. It is used in diverse visual mediums and also serves the function of delivering Yeonsung University's friendly image. Use spot color printing as the primary principle when expressing any characters. Also use the Pantone Colors, displayed below, as the standards. For an effective usage of the character colors, pay detailed attention to the colors.
When reenacting the four primary colors of the “Process Color,” use the standards written below. If there are any questions during the manufacturing process, cooperate with the UI department of management to manufacture an appropriate usage of the exclusive colors.

    Spot : Pantone 382CProcess : C29 / M0 / Y100 / K0RGB : R181 / G220 / B16
    Spot : Pantone 298CProcess : C67 / M7 / Y0 / K0RGB : R80 / G176 / B209
    Spot : Pantone 211CProcess : C0 / M55 / Y8 / K0RGB : R248 / G117 / B170
    Spot : Pantone 1632CProcess : C29 / M0 / Y100 / K0RGB : R181 / G220 / B16
  • GRAY
    Spot : Pantone Cool Gray 4 CProcess : C0 / M0 / Y0 / K24RGB : R194 / G194 / B194