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Introduction of the department

We aim to nurture professional cooks who can adapt to today's social environment, which is quickly changing through the development of the food industry and the globalization of food culture. We aim to nurture leaders of the 21st century's hotel food industry. These individuals will receive theoretical and practical education on cooking Western food, Korean food, Japanese food, Chinese food, baking/bakery, and beverages. After strategically going through boththeoretical and practical training, Yeonsung University's students will learn diverse cooking skills and will become nutritionists, bakers and cookers who possess an important role in the cooking/bakery field of hotels, professional restaurants, practical teachers in schools, food consultant, cooking schools and other type of occupation areas.

Education mission


Mission of University
To nurture holistic individuals with intelligence, creativity and communication skills that can contribute to the local society and nation
Mission of the department
To nurture holistic individuals in the hotel food industry


Education Objectives of the University
Moral Education To cultivate refined morals, an extensive range of ethics and practical knowledge
Associated Education To cultivate professional knowledge, comprehensive state of mind and open cooperative skills
Communication Education To cultivate the skill to communicate and empathize with one’s neighbors, society and the world
Education Objectives of the Department
The main education objective is to nurture professional culinary cooks with suitable job conformance, intelligence, creativity and communication skills by providing a NCS-based education process that focuses on the cytological and nutritious characteristics of food materials, on understanding the cooking process and on improving in-site functionality and skills.


Vision of the University
Become an elite world standard vocational college
Become a TOP 5 domestic vocational college by 2020
Vision of the Department
Become a top 5 department of culinary arts in the metropolitan area

The main education objective is to nurture professional culinary cooks with suitable job conformance, intelligence, creativity and communication skills by providing a NCS-based education process that focuses on the cytological and nutritious characteristics of food materials, on understanding the cooking process and on improving in-site functionality and skills.

Career after graduation

After graduation, individuals can be employed in Cooking/Bakery/Dessert/Beverage department in tourist hotels, franchise restaurant companies, catering centers, foster food providers, family restaurants, bakeries and other companies related to bakeries, agricultural products/livestock products/fishery products processing company, food distribution company, start or oversea business of a start-up, food coordinator/food stylist, teacher at a cooking school, practical teacher at schools, well-being diet consulting or cooking/eating outside consultation

Certifications available to be acquired

  • Cook Skill Licensed Technician (Korean food, Western food, Chinese food, Puffer fish, confectionary, baking)
  • Foundry Technician
  • Sanitarium
  • Cook Industry Certification (Korean food, Western food, Japanese food, Chinese food)
  • Food Industry Certification

Type of students trained

  • Type of students trained

    Korean food cook, Western food cook

  • Target Occupation

    Cook Korean food, cook Western food

  • Field of Employment

    All types of jobs that are related to hotel food businesses, restaurants, diverse meal service areas, bartenders and other food/beverage occupations.