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Under the foundational philosophies of “morality education” and “work-orientated education” and the morals of “sincerity,” “creativity” and “diligence,” Yeonsung University is answering to all of the requirements of today's era for a Korean vocational college.

Educational Philosophies

  • Korea's educational philosophy- [Humanitarianism] : Humanitarianism
  • Educational Goals of a vocational college - [Nurturing professional career men] : By learning and investigating professional knowledge and theories of each field in society, we nurture professional career men with the talent and skills required to develop the national society.
  • Foundational philosophies - [Morality Education, Work-orientated education] : Through materializing morality education and work-orientated education as well as nurturing creative technological experts, we release people who are industrial foundation necessary for the development of the nation
  • Moral - [Sincerity, Creativity, Diligence] : Sincerity, Creativity and Diligence
  • Korea's educational philosophy
  • Educational Goals of a vocational college
    Nurturing professional career men
    By learning and investigating professional knowledge and theories of each field in society, we nurture professional career men with the talent and skills required to develop the national society.
  • Foundational philosophies
    Morality Education, Work-orientated education
    Through materializing morality education and work-orientated education as well as nurturing creative technological experts, we release people who are industrial foundation necessary for the development of the nation
  • Moral
    Sincerity, Creativity, Diligence
    Sincerity, Creativity and Diligence

Foundational Philosophies

Morality EducationMorality means the duties and righteous activities that a person should do at all times. Morality Education means an education process to nurture ethical and morally correct individuals.

Work-orientated educationWork-orientated education is an educational philosophy that is not a passive, knowledge-based education philosophy, but an education philosophy centered on passionate and active activities.


  • Sincerity

    As a moral suggested to create a sincerely genuine moral education, it is a symbol of the determination to nurture morally ethical individuals in the industrial scene. The moral aims to create a normative person that possesses both morals and ethics.

  • Creativity

    A moral suggested to create a creative individual required in the industrial society. With the precise definition of a spirit with a spirit of challenge and adventurous ideals, this moral attempts to create creative individuals who pursue challenges and change

  • Diligence

    As an educational norm to create truly societal individuals that serves and sacrifices for their neighbors, society and nation and practices the ethical requirements, this moral aims to create practical individuals that prioritize communication and sharing