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Fashion Business

Over the last 28 years, graduates of Yeonsung University’s department of fashion business have found their spot as bright young talents in the fashion design and marketing area. The department of fashion business is especially famous for nurturing labor forces with high in-site adaptation skills by providing in-site orientated know0hows and education. Students can stack up qualifications through diverse activities, such as participating in graduation fashion shows, galleries, clubs, exhibition contest, field trips, in-site practice and other fashion-related activities. Also, our adjunct professor, who is part of a business group that consists of designers of Seoul Collections, CEO of famous fashion companies, MD, VMD, brand marketing, shopping mall, consultants and others, is leading the charge and providing trendy in-site fashion education.

Education mission


Mission of University
To nurture holistic individuals with intelligence, creativity and communication skills that can contribute to the local society and nation
Mission of the department
To nurture holistic individuals with professional knowledge of planning and distributing fashion products


Education Objectives of the University
Moral Education To cultivate refined morals, an extensive range of ethics and practical knowledge
Associated Education To cultivate professional knowledge, comprehensive state of mind and open cooperative skills
Communication Education To cultivate the skill to communicate and empathize with one's neighbors, society and the world
Education Objectives of the Department
The main education objective is to nurture professional fashion product planners and designers. The department will provide education on designing/manufacturing skills of fashion products such as clothes, textiles, stage props and others; distribution/marketing skills orientated around customers and other fashion theories and in-site knowledge. Using this as the background, we will implement an in-site education system that will allow the nurturing of fashion product designers and fashion product merchandisers that are required in today’s lifestyle service industry.


Vision of the University
Become an elite world standard vocational college
Become a TOP 5 domestic vocational college by 2020
Vision of the Department
Become a department of fashion business that is TOP 5 in the domestic in-site competitiveness

The main education objective is to nurture professional fashion product planners and designers. The department will provide education on designing/manufacturing skills of fashion products such as clothes, textiles, stage props and others; distribution/marketing skills orientated around customers and other fashion theories and in-site knowledge. Using this as the background, we will implement an in-site education system that will allow the nurturing of fashion product designers and fashion product merchandisers that are required in today’s lifestyle service industry.

Career after graduation

Planning and manufacturing of fashion products, textile planning, shop master, buying MD, sales MD, planning MD, manufacturing MD, planning fabric and materials, fabric converter, fashion advertisement, manufacture fashion stage props, manage distribution of clothes, colorist, modelist, VMD, distribution of online fashion, exporting business of manufactured clothes, and technical design

Certifications available to be acquired

  • Fashion Computer Administration Master
  • Fashion Merchandising Industry Certification
  • Shop Master
  • Fashion Stylist
  • VMD
  • Shopping mall Planner

Type of students trained

  • Type of students trained

    Fashion designer, fashion merchandiser

  • Target Occupation

    Fashion design, fashion planning

  • Field of Employment

    All types of jobs that are related to fashion and clothes, such as planning, manufacturing, selling, designing and distributing fashion products